- 22 Creedmoor, Articles, Articles with Videos, Coyote Hunting, Custom Rifle Builds, Rockchuck Hunting, Thermal Optics
.22 Creedmoor Custom Thermal Rifle Build with Bonus Rockchuck and Coyote Hunt
People always say “Necessity is the Mother of Every Rifle Build”, or they would if someone had said it before me. In any case, I had a need, or at a minimum a strong desire, for a new night ...
Readmore Mormon Cricket Hunting With Airguns – Defending Idaho from the Horde
Almost every year, hordes of marauding Mormon Crickets begin to show up around Southern Idaho, where they do immense damage to crops. Mormon Crickets, which are direct descendants of Godzill...
Readmore- 6mm ARC, Articles, Articles with Videos, Coyote Hunting, Night Hunting, Prairie Dog Hunting, Product Reviews, Rockchuck Hunting
Hornady 6MM ARC Full Review and Hunt Report from a Varmint Hunter’s Perspective
Finally, our 6MM ARC full review and hunt report from a varmint hunter's perspective. We know it's a great cartridge for long-range target shooting and even medium sized game.&nbs...
Readmore EPIC Misses Even Your Blind Grandma Could Have Made – Part One – Coyotes
Before anyone tries to say anything different, let me say it. WE ALL MISS! Some more than others, but we all do it. YouTube videos would be pretty boring if all everyone showed was m...
ReadmoreReese Outdoors Surge and Pistol Predator Hunting Packs – Overview and Review
Cache and David of Varminter Magazine have been using the Reese Outdoors Surge Pistol Predator Hunting Packs while predator hunting for the past year. After a recent coyote hunt in Nev...
Readmore6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum Rockchuck Hunt – Every Cartridge is a Varmint Hunting Cartridge
Who says you can't hunt varmints with a 6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum? We will go on proving the point that EVERY cartridge is a varmint hunting cartridge. That's what makes varmint hunting...
ReadmoreAlly Munitions 17 Remington Ammunition – 4 Minute Ammo Review
Ally Munitions is based in Midland, Texas and they produce ammunition in numerous cartridges geared towards hunters. I first became aware of them through their posts on Instagram and w...
ReadmoreWinchester Model 43 Rockchuck Hunt – 218 BEE and 22 HORNET
Seriously, what is more fun than hunting varmints with classic rifles, chambered in classic cartridges? When it comes to hunting, there is NOTHING that tops it! At times you have...
ReadmoreWestern Outdoor News Feature on the 2nd Annual Varminter Calf Killers Contest!
Tim Hovey, one of the participants of our (now) annual Varminter Calf Killers Contest, has written a short synapsis of our hunt for Western Outdoor News. Click on the Image Below for a Larger Version...
ReadmorePreparing a New Factory Rifle for Use at the Range and for Hunting
While breaking-in and doing initial group testing with the Mossberg Patriot Predator .243 Winchester, I discussed the steps I take to prepare a new factory rifle for use. I use these steps with ALL ...