EPIC Misses Even Your Blind Grandma Could Have Made – Part One – Coyotes
Before anyone tries to say anything different, let me say it. WE ALL MISS! Some more than others, but we all do it. YouTube videos would be pretty boring if all everyone showed was m...
ReadmoreReese Outdoors Surge and Pistol Predator Hunting Packs – Overview and Review
Cache and David of Varminter Magazine have been using the Reese Outdoors Surge Pistol Predator Hunting Packs while predator hunting for the past year. After a recent coyote hunt in Nev...
ReadmoreWestern Outdoor News Feature on the 2nd Annual Varminter Calf Killers Contest!
Tim Hovey, one of the participants of our (now) annual Varminter Calf Killers Contest, has written a short synapsis of our hunt for Western Outdoor News. Click on the Image Below for a Larger Version...
ReadmoreThe Mossberg 940 Pro Turkey Shotgun Perfect for Coyote Hunting
When the Mossberg 940 Pro shotguns hit the market, we at Varminter started looking at it as a perfect coyote hunting shotgun. Although the 3-Gun and trap/skeet folks were raving about them, ...
Readmore- Articles, Articles with Videos, Coyote Hunting, Night Hunting, Optics, Predator Hunting, Thermal Optics
2022 New Thermal and Night Vision Products from AGM Global Vision
For 2022 the new thermal and night vision products from AGM Global Vision. Included in their line of new products for this year, is a new dual thermal/IR handheld monocular included in...
Readmore Savage Arms Impulse Predator 6.5 Creedmoor Review with Range and Hunt Report
When Savage Arms announced their new Impulse line of straight-pull actioned rifles a year ago, I was very intrigued by the design and function of this new Savage offering. We were offered th...
ReadmorePredator Hunting – The Basics
Coyote in the Snow I realize that many people hunt coyotes, and other predators year-round. Here in Idaho, every predator, with the exception of bobcat, can be hunted year-round. Howeve...