Q&A VLOG #1 – What Do You Do With The Varmints That You Shoot?

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This is VLOG #1 of our new Questions and Answers series, where we will be asking one, or more, questions and answering them in a video format, once a month.

What do you do with the varmints that you shoot?

One of the most frequent questions we get from viewers, or on social media, is “What do you do with the varmints that you shoot?”  Most of the time, this is not a loaded question, but a serious one, that leads to folks wanting to know why we are not eating the varmints we kill.  This video answers those questions, and also gives more information on the reasons for varmint hunting.

This is a study done on ground squirrel damage and control:
Controlling Ground Squirrel Damage to Forage & Field Crops (.pdf*):

Stay-tuned for more VLOGs answering the questions that many folks have about varmint hunting, ethics, equipment used, techniques, and hunting in general!

Eric Mayer
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