We Don’t Shoot All the Rockchucks We See and Neither Should You

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Rockchucks are not prolific breeders like ground squirrels. Therefore, we are always careful about how many we take out of our hunting areas. This spot held only a breeding pair and no young ones. My hunting partner and I agreed that we would pass on shooting these and leave the area alone for a couple of years so they can (hopefully) repopulate the area. Even though most people think we are blood thirsty bastards, with no regard to animal numbers, it is far from the truth. When you see us with piles of animals, it’s due to hunting numerous areas that hold large numbers of varmints. This is especially true with ground squirrels, whose numbers can be astonishing and very foreign to those who have never hunted the Western USA.  Be conservative in your hunting areas and you will have enjoyable hunting every year, while keeping the population in check.


Eric Mayer
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